This course offers a reflective approach to better understanding the many differences (and similarities) between Chinese and so-called 'Western' culture. Course content will follow historical development of Eastern and Western thought, beliefs, language, and practices, considering the birthplace of western culture as Ancient Greco-Roman culture and Judeo-Christian history, and Confucian thought as the birthplace of Chinese culture.
- Enseignant: Gregory James DuBois
Introduction to Education, understanding teaching today.
- Enseignant: 良涛 倪
Let's read English intensively together. Here you're given materials for intensive reading and a platform for discussion.
英语阅读课是我国英语专业基础阶段教学的一门必修课,也是我校英语专业的传统课程(我校惯称“英语泛读”)。根据最新的《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》课程设置的要求,专业知识课程必须包括英语阅读课。《英语阅读》于大一开设,旨在培养英语专业新生良好的阅读和学习习惯,以及专业的阅读技能。本课程有以下目标和特点:1. 注重阅读综合能力,阅读速度和质量并重;2. 强调分类阅读,从略读、查阅和细读等方面提升学生的理解能力和阅读速度;3.注重人文知识积累,帮助学生通过系统的阅读训练扩大词汇量、吸收语言和文化背景知识;4. 培养学生捕获语境信息的能力以及假设判断、分析归纳、推理检验等逻辑思维能力;6. 教材选用题材广泛的英文原版人文经典读物,提供广泛的语言和文化素材,力求帮助学生拓宽知识面,从而增强英语语感和语言学习的兴趣。
- Enseignant: 柯 宋
Acquiring public speaking skills to become a confident, lucid, effective speaker.
- Enseignant: 睿 王