高级英语 II
Ringkasan topik
1. Talk about your winter vacation.
2. Read the essay "Decline of the English Murder" written by George Orwell, and comment on his view and style.
Watch two Ted speeches, "Scientific Research into the Psychopathic Killers" and "The Outlook of Future Crimes".
Take notes, find the keywords, and retell the main argument.
3. Course evaluation: 期中30%+期末40%+平时30%(作业、presentation等)
Evaluation: The course will be assessed from the following perspectives: 1) Attendance & Participation 2) Homework 3) Mid-term Examination 4) Final Examination 5) Presentation
5. The units that will be covered in the current semester6. Assignment of the week: You are required to watch the movie: The Butterfly Effect (《蝴蝶效应》)