Group Report Week 3
Submit another group report, of up to 400 words, for Week 3. The deadline is 12:00 (noon) on Sunday, Oct. 30. The group's rotating editor alone should file this report, drawing on suggestions from all group members. Pay particular attention to crafting a strong lead and making sure that there are no holes in the story. Write a headline for your piece, which should weave together more than one development in the area that you are monitoring. Make sure to include the necessary background information, such as a nut graph, so that readers have a complete picture of the latest events, in context. The rotating editor should list her name on the report on behalf of her group. All group members should review the report before it is formally submitted and make suggestions to the editor for improving it. The editor has the final say. Each member of the group will receive the same grade for the group's finished product.