Monday, 13 May 2024, 5:43 AM
Site: SISU-eLearning网上课堂
Course: MA Phonology School of English Studies (Phonology 2017)
Glossary: Words of the Day


'person in charge', used in some dialects.

shortened from 'godfather'

Here: police commissioner (head of police department):

- Just for a second, like a fool, I get my hopes up. If a case comes in through the gaffer, instead of through our admin straight to the squad room, it’s because it’s something special. Something that’s going to be so  high-profile, or so tough, or so delicate, it can’t just go to whoever’s next on the rota; it needs the right people. One straight from the gaffer hums through the squad room, makes the lads sit up and take notice. One straight from the gaffer would mean me and Steve have finally, finally, worked our way clear of the losers’ corner of the playground: we’re in. (Tana French - The Trespasser [Dublin])


= gourmet = someone who likes to cook and eat good food

- And since I am a gastronome, I take deep pride in our
national dish. I have survived through famines and situations that were
much worse, but there, in that forsaken country where we didn't know what
was to become of us, it was the lack of kimchi that would bother me the
most. (Kim - Thousand Miles)

- I mean, I wish I were a gourmand or a club gastronomer, but, well,
you see the sort of meals I get!’ (He jabbed a finger into the corner,
where on a little table a small tin plate contained the remnants of a
horrible dish of beefsteak and potatoes.) (Dostoyevsky - Crime and Punishment)


'nonsense talk'

Note: it is the same suffix as in greenish, English, ticklish, thievish. Any other words like this with -ish?