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Wav file

A common format for storing sounds as computer files.


A display of the amplitude (=loudness) of sound during time.

Weak form

The form in which a word is pronounced when it is unstressed. This term is usually applied only to words that normally occur unstressed, such as English to, a. Cf. strong form.


See lenition.


A property of syllables, which may be divided into light and heavy syllables: heavy syllables typically have a long vowel or diphthong, or sometimes a short vowel plus consonant (see also mora).


The smallest free form found in a language.

Word formation

See derivation.

Word frequency

Measure of how often a word occurs in a particular corpus. See also token frequency, type frequency.

Word production

The process by which words are selected to be spoken or written.

Word recognition

The association by speakers of a language of the speech or writing signal with the entries in their mental lexicon.

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