Research Questions and Lines of Inquiry
Topic outline
WELCOME to this course in spring 2018!
The course format is updated for this year's requirements.
STUDENT PARTICIPATION AND PRESENTATION: As members and auditors, you are cordially invited to select a specific portion (such as a chapter) of the reading material, which you have read before the sessions begin, for a PRESENTATION.
Making your selection in agreement with the professor, you may prepare a PowerPoint or other suitable presentation of about 25 minutes (more or less). You can use this to highlight text segments of your own choice and point out specific difficulties of comprehension or discussion points or relevance to specific research questions and topics, or relate the text segments to other research literature you already know. The presentation has the purpose of enabling a better understanding of the chosen reading material and its possible relevance. -
The PPTX presentation is designed to structure the course
A warm WELCOME to this first session!
As members and auditors, for maximum benefit you should have read the selected chapters as indicated in the course program, and you are encouraged to point to and discuss difficulties of understanding. In EACH session, you should articulate any difficulties in understanding. You should be prepared to discuss potential application to your research interests, based on your own descriptions.
Here are two sample areas of interest for members and auditors to prepare for Session 2:
Traveling musicians OR Foreign teachers in China
As members AND auditors, please choose one of these two sample areas, and suggest some suitable research questions for the chosen area together with forms of observation or investigation and kinds of data. You should bring your suggestions to the next session for discussion.
Please note for FLICK: Especially Chapter 9
An introduction to thesis-level Research Questions
Please note for GLASER & STRAUSS: Especially Chapters 1-3
For methods of coding in grounded theory, see also Flick (4th ed. Chapter 23ff) (5th ed. corresponding chapter). For an introduction to various methods of content analysis, see Klaus Krippendorff, Content Analysis (3rd ed. 2013).
A sample area of interest is announced for you as members and auditors to prepare for session 3:
Westerners in a major Chinese city OR Effective methods of intercultural education
You may choose either of these variants. For the sample area, as members AND auditors please suggest some suitably narrowed research questions and methods of investigation. You should bring your suggestions to the next session for discussion.
Appended here is a short introduction to Argumentation Theory, from the discipline of Logic. It may help in clarifying the "complete justification" and "adequate evidence" categories in the theory of knowledge.
For our purposes, you as members and auditors can mostly ignore specific illustrations from such disciplines as physics and chemistry. These appear in the works by Popper and Kuhn, and we will discuss the reasons. But the themes and paradigms are designed to be transferable beyond the natural sciences, and have become relevant in many other disciplines.
Please note for POPPER: Especially Part 1 / then Part 2 Chapter 4
Please note for KUHN: Especially Chapters 1-5, 12
Please note for PICKERING: Especially Sections 1 & 2
Your questions and comments are welcome