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英语学院 School of English Studies
MA Phonology School of English Studies
Folder for class PPTs
Folder for class PPTs
All PPTs (as PDFs) will be posted here.
Download folder
Ch 1 Structures in languages.pdf
Ch 2 The production of speech.pdf
Ch 3 Some typology; sameness and difference.pdf
Ch 4 Making the form fit.pdf
Ch 5 Underlying and surface representations.pdf
Ch 6,7 Distinctive features.pdf
Ch 8 Transparency and opacity with rules and constraints.pdf
Ch 9 Levels of representation.pdf
Ch 10 Representing tone.pdf
Ch 11 Between the segment and the syllable.pdf
Ch 12,13 Feature geometry.pdf
Ch 14,15 Stress and feet.pdf
Ch 16 Phonology above the word.pdf